偶然想到 Google Maps 上的街景照片都是幾年前照的,就大概找了一下,真的發現了在路上趴趴走的 Julie! 推測應該是拍攝於 2009 年初。

→ Google Maps照片

街景車開往 4 巷山上,這時 Julie 還在學校轉角處;車子走到巷弄尾後回頭下山、右轉走 15 弄。這時 Julie 已搶先一步,還走在路中間。可能街景車叭了喇叭而被嚇到,所以腳步偏掉了。

Google Maps 街景
→ Google Maps


Google Maps 街景
→ Google Maps


Google Maps 街景
→ Google Maps


Google Maps 街景
→ Google Maps

Julie 離開將近一年,當初的傷心總算平息下來了,只在某些時候會不小心被觸動;所以這一年裏,幾乎都沒再去過以往帶她散步必經的興旺公園、敦南大地社區、福興公園等幾個地方。這次為了尋找 Julie 在網路上的殘像,跟著幾年前的街景車再探了家附近她可能去的地方;有種就好像我只是與往常一樣,在把出門就到處趴趴走不知道要回家的她找回家一樣的感覺.....

此情此景,讓我想到英國樂團 Zoot Woman 的「Memory」這首帶著點悲傷的歌:

Finding ways
To bring you closer
To take you further
Fast passing somewhere
Every minute going nowhere
Going nowhere

All I've got is a memory to hang on to
One I can't leave behind
All I believe is confused
But we can set it straight together
A better design

Waters from inside
You can't see within
I can't see without
Thousand reasons why
In your absence I've got no sense
I've got no sense
All I've got is a memory to hang on to
One I can't leave behind
All I believe is confused
But we can set it straight together
A better design

All I've got is a memory, memory
Together a better design, design

All I've got is a memory to hang on to
One I can't leave behind
All I believe is confused
But we can set it straight together
A better design

It straight together
A better design

前幾天 Julie 的玩伴、鄰居的黑狗「小乖」因為犬心絲蟲而離開了。最後幾天的症狀宛如去年 Julie 那樣,急遽消瘦、無食慾、無氣無力;但狀況比 Julie 嚴重很多,發現後沒多少天就走了:前一天晚上倒垃圾回來時還摸他要他加油,結果隔天就聽說他在大家的睡夢中之時離開了。


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